All You Need To Know About Solar Pool Heaters
The Basics Of Solar Swimming Pool Heating What It Takes To Build A Swimming Pool Solar Heating System An Added Bonus For Phoenix Homeowners
Monsoon Season Is Still Here-Don’t Let Your Pool Suffer From These Last Few Dust Storms
Cleaning The Filtration System Step Up The Chlorine Increase Cleaning Time
Grill Cleaning 101- To Protect Your Investment
Clean Inside And Out It is a good idea to rinse or dust your grill monthly to prevent damage to the outer surface. This is important even if you have a grill cover as the grit and dust can scratch the grill surface when the cover is removed or returned to the grill. If you […]
Adding Technology To Your Outdoor Living Spaces
Adding An Access Point For Outdoor Technology Mountable Outdoor Technology For Your Outdoor Living Space Add A New Twist To Working From Home Thanks To New Technology
Environmentally Friendly Grill Cleaning
Having an outdoor kitchen in Arizona is about as important as having a swimming pool. It is a feature that can be enjoyed year round and is a great way to gather family and friends together for a meal. But most homeowners begin to lose interest in their grill when it’s time for a good […]
Fall Is The Perfect Time For Pizza
As the weather in Phoenix finally begins to cool off, homeowners are enjoying more dinners outdoors. This pleasant weather makes fall the perfect time gather with family and friends for a night of fun and homemade pizza from your UNIQUE wood-burning pizza oven. Nothing can beat the old world taste of a fresh pizza or […]
Benefits of an In-floor Cleaning System in Your Unique Pool
A self-cleaning pool would be every pool owners dream. After all, you have a pool to enjoy swimming, not cleaning. But there will always be a certain amount of attention a pool requires, just as a car or even your home required some maintenance. But an in-floor cleaning system can greatly reduce the time and […]
Justifying the Cost of a Professional Misting System
Even though Phoenix is touted as a “dry heat”, there are many months when it is really not comfortable to sit outside and enjoy your outdoor living space. And this might seem odd at first when you consider that we only have a few month of temperatures in excess of 100 degrees. And after all, […]
Unique Spas
The term “spa” is derived from the town of Spa, Belgium where a curative natural spring was discovered in the 14th century. The word literally means a fountain. In current times though, the term spa is used to describe many types of vessels with warm water used for the purpose of soaking, as well as […]
UNIQUE Benefits of Selecting Native Trees for Your Phoenix Landscape
Trees are often considered to be the anchor of any UNIQUE landscape design. They will almost always be the largest plants in the palette and will grow to be the walls and even ceiling of your outdoor living space in some cases. Limiting your tree selections to native varieties will provide many added benefits that […]