All You Need To Know About Maintaining Your UNIQUE Pool During The Pandemic

Even if you are using a swimming pool service to maintain your pool, there are a few tips and essential information that you should know. As we have learned over the last few weeks, things change, and services, while not expected to stop, could be forced to alter their regular schedule. So be prepared to […]

Grill Cleaning 101- To Protect Your Investment

Clean Inside And Out It is a good idea to rinse or dust your grill monthly to prevent damage to the outer surface. This is important even if you have a grill cover as the grit and dust can scratch the grill surface when the cover is removed or returned to the grill. If you […]

How And Why You Should Keep Your Unique Pool Water Cooler

Most pool owners want to slide into their Arizona pool and experience some cool and refreshing water, not the feel of slipping into an oversized hot tub. However, when the air temperature is continually reaching 100 plus with full sun, it can be challenging to keep the water temperature comfortably below the air temp. While […]

Enjoy The UNIQUE Health Benefits Of A Swimming Pool

Swimming Provides  Rehabilitation After Injuries Swimming Burns Calories Quickly If you are looking for a low impact way to burn calories then swimming is your solution. To put it into perspective, a 160 pound person burns over 420 calories swimming for an hour. That same person would only burn about 300 calories walking for the […]

Pool Safety Tips- The Key To Your Perfect Summer Of Fun

Spring in Phoenix is a busy time as we all prepare for the warm months to come. Pools are being cleaned and prepared for the endless hours of enjoyment as are the BBQ grills and outdoor living spaces. But homeowners often forget that spring is also the time to revisit pool safety for both adults […]

4 Benefits Of Professional Swimming Pool Service

As the owner of a Phoenix swimming pool, you certainly know that there is a great deal of care and maintenance required to keep your pool water clean and safe. The dust and pollutants in the air, as well as the high use in the hot weather,  can make it very challenging to keep the […]

Clearing up the Biggest Misunderstanding about Saltwater Pools

Many consumers are under the impression that a saltwater pool does not use chlorine to keep the pool water sanitized. What they don’t understand is that a saltwater pool uses a salt chlorine generator to produce its own chlorine. The generator is inserted into the pool plumbing near the other pool equipment. Inside the generator […]

Importance of Balanced Water

Almost all pool owners remember the orientation meeting with their pool contractor. There was a brief walkthrough with all of the pool equipment and an explanation of how it all worked together to give you a cool place to hang out in the miserable heat of a Phoenix summer. But let’s be honest, you were […]

Important Spa Safety Information

We all know that green pools and spas pose health issues. But what many people are unaware of is the fact that even if a spa water is not green or discolored, it can pose a health risk to anyone in or near the spa. If the water in your spa is not properly balanced, […]