How To Care For Your Arizona Landscape During The Winter Months

We Do Have A Frost Season In Phoenix! Tips To Know About Cold Weather The coldest part of every day is just before daybreak During the day, it is essential to uncover plants to allow the sun to warm the soil and plants naturally Cloudy nights provide insulation from the cold Clear nights hold the […]

Preventing Frost Damage on Your Plants

Many residents who are new to the Phoenix area are shocked to learn that there really is a winter season in the desert. The area is famous for the “dry heat” of the summer which can reach in excess of 110 degrees but little is mentioned about the large temperature swing which occurs in the […]

Protect Your Outdoor Kitchen in the Winter

When it comes to wintertime, every area of the country has its challenges. With a few, it is the snow and the ice. Wind, rain, and hail are problems in some other areas. Your outdoor kitchen requires some special care, even though you might use it in of the wintertime. You must plan ahead even […]

Protect Plants From Frost Damage

Many people are surprised when they learn it gets cold enough in Phoenix to cause frost! Quite often between December and early into March nighttime temperatures can drop below freezing which can damage plants and trees if you do not take the proper precautions. Below are some general rules and guidelines to follow to help protect […]

Winter Landscape Maintenance

Now that temperatures are dropping in Arizona, we are beginning to anticipate those milder temperatures that are headed in our direction in December, February and March. Starting the planning of the landscaping begins in these more temperate climates before the temperatures begin to kick back up to the mid-nineties. Before starting to order those landscaping […]

Pool Maintenance Tips for Winter

One of the biggest responsibilities of owning a swimming pool would be that of pool maintenance. After all, what good is a swimming pool if it’s not kept crystal clean and running smoothly? Keep in mind that a large part the maintenance process also means pool cleaning; remember that keeping a pool clean helps to […]