How To Prepare Your UNIQUE Landscape For Fall

An Honest Evaluation Other Factors To Consider Trimming And Shaping Early fall is also an excellent time to complete one last round of trimming and shaping before cold weather arrives. Long, leggy branches and overgrowth can be removed without stressing the plants unnecessarily. But be careful not to remove too much outer growth. Cold weather […]

What You Get From The UNIQUE Companies For $225,000

This outdoor oasis is a testament to the versatility and skill of the UNIQUE design and construction teams. As a licensed general contractor, as well as holding licenses for pool and landscape construction, we are the only company in the valley that is truly uniquely qualified to build every aspect and feature that you can […]

What Does It Take To Create The Perfect Landscape In Phoenix, AZ?

What Is Perfect? What Is The Heart Of Your Home? Thinking about your indoor living space is a great way to begin planning your outdoor living space. You want to have a clear list of what works inside your house and what doesn’t meet your needs. First, think about the area where everyone congregates. In […]

The Most Common Landscape Mistakes And UNIQUE Ways To Avoid Them

Curb Appeal Is Essential Too Many Mistakes To Overcome As we mentioned, there is a massive amount of skill and education required to design a landscape project properly. And when a homeowner decides to take on this significant responsibility, there is no way to grasp the knowledge needed until it is too late. The most […]

A UNIQUE Benefit To Investing In Your 2020 Pandemic Staycation

Make Your Staycation A Great Investment What The Experts Say About Curb Appeal In general, real estate experts agree that a professional landscape design can provide a return on investment of an amazing 200-400%. And while you are letting that massive number sink in, think about one more thing. Professional upkeep and updates of your […]

What You Get From The UNIQUE Companies For $250,000

Added Features Added Fun Everything listed above covered the nuts and bolt of this amazing swimming pool and spa. But, our clients wanted to include a few other fun features in this 250k UNIQUE project. The most eye-catching of these features is the massive waterfall and water slide. This feature creates the ambiance and feel […]

How To Own A Private UNIQUE Island

Your Home Away From Home Once the concept of an island in your swimming pool has started to make sense, and even seem intriguing, your mind begins to wonder how this mini-island could be used. And one of the most common reasons to construct an island in your pool is to build a tiny home […]

How Much Does A UNIQUE Pool Cost?

Let’s Start With The Base Package As you might imagine, at UNIQUE, we do offer pool packages. But we rarely install our packages to those exact specifications as our customers prefer to personalize the items to best fit their needs. These packages serve as a launching point. For example, one of our packages, the Desert […]