All You Need To Know About Maintaining Your UNIQUE Pool During The Pandemic

Even if you are using a swimming pool service to maintain your pool, there are a few tips and essential information that you should know. As we have learned over the last few weeks, things change, and services, while not expected to stop, could be forced to alter their regular schedule. So be prepared to […]

How To Properly Maintain Your UNIQUE Swimming Pool This Winter

Proper pH Is Critical For Your UNIQUE Swimming Pool Proper pH = Less Chlorine When you have achieved the proper pH level in your pool, you are rewarded by being able to reduce your chlorine use for the winter. This is because sunlight is the number one nemesis of chlorine. The intense summer sun quickly […]

Tips From The Pros For Maintaining Your Pool During Arizona’s Monsoon Season

Even though the Arizona climate is known as dry heat, Monsoon season is the one wildcard that changes the weather patterns completely. Beginning in mid-June and extending until the end of September, Monsoon season brings high temperatures, high winds and high moisture to the valley. And when all three occur at the same time, the […]

Clearing up the Biggest Misunderstanding about Saltwater Pools

Many consumers are under the impression that a saltwater pool does not use chlorine to keep the pool water sanitized. What they don’t understand is that a saltwater pool uses a salt chlorine generator to produce its own chlorine. The generator is inserted into the pool plumbing near the other pool equipment. Inside the generator […]

Importance of Balanced Water

Almost all pool owners remember the orientation meeting with their pool contractor. There was a brief walkthrough with all of the pool equipment and an explanation of how it all worked together to give you a cool place to hang out in the miserable heat of a Phoenix summer. But let’s be honest, you were […]