Enjoy The UNIQUE Health Benefits Of A Swimming Pool

Swimming Provides  Rehabilitation After Injuries Swimming Burns Calories Quickly If you are looking for a low impact way to burn calories then swimming is your solution. To put it into perspective, a 160 pound person burns over 420 calories swimming for an hour. That same person would only burn about 300 calories walking for the […]

Dog-Friendly Landscape Design Tips

As a pet owner, I can attest to the fact that I am most happy when I know my dog is happy. And when it comes time to enjoy being outdoors, I want to know that my dog is both safe and happy in our yard. This means taking just a little bit of time […]

Don’t Forget Your Pets Needs during Your Landscape or Pool Project

Awaiting an upcoming pool or landscape project can be very excited. There are designs to approve and final details to settle such as paver colors or tile selections. But don’t let your excitement and anticipation cause you to overlook the potentially stressful environment that your pets will be facing during the construction process. Even if […]

Pool Safety For Your Pooch

In the heat of a Phoenix summer, the swimming pool can be the only place comfortable outdoors. And that is probably what your dog is thinking as well. But before you decide to jump into the water with your dog, there are a few things that you need to take into consideration to ensure that […]

A UNIQUE Phoenix Outdoor Shower

One of the benefits of living in Phoenix is the rather mild winters we enjoy and only on a very rare occasion is there a hard freeze. With that in mind, an outdoor shower could become a very functional addition to your landscape. In most cases, the space required for an outdoor shower is minimal […]

Artificial Grass and Pets

You’re considering artificial grass. It’s always green. You don’t have to water it. It’s resistant to damage from children and pets. What’s not to like? Artificial grass keeps the dirt and mud off your pets no matter what the weather is like outside. No muddy paws means no mud tracked in the house. No more […]