Backyard Pizza Ovens

Backyard Pizza Ovens

Don’t heat up your house this summer, let Unique install your very own backyard pizza oven instead! Adding a backyard pizza oven will make dinner more fun and delicious for the whole family. There is nothing that smells quite as good as a fresh handmade pizza being fired over aromatic wood.

Pizza Oven
Pizza Oven

Pizza ovens are quickly becoming one of the most popular additions to outdoor kitchens across the country.

Pizza ovens cook pizza extremely well, but also have capabilities to cook any food that is normally cooked inside your oven but with better flavor.  If you still can’t decide if you want an outdoor pizza oven, the versatility of it will certainly win you over. You can flash-bake a pizza at 750 degrees one day and slow-roast a leg of lamb overnight the next day. How do you get that versatility you might ask?  You, as the chef regulate the heat environment needed to accomplish your various cooking styles.  In a wood burning stove, for example when baking a pizza- the hotter temperature, the better.  A major benefit about pizza ovens is that they heat up faster than you’d think (most in less than 45 minutes and retain the heat for up to an hour).  Just enough time to make another pizza!

Once you have a backyard pizza oven, you and your friends and family will love experimenting with toppings and sauces. As you’re putting together the dough for your crusts, go ahead and knead in some dried herbs. Flavorful herbs such as rosemary, parsley and basil make a lovely addition to pizza crust. Be sure to brush some virgin olive oil on the rim of your crust prior to popping your pizza into your brand new backyard pizza oven. Any true pizza chef will tell you that fresh pizza fired over real wood is the absolute best pizza in the world.

Forno Brovo Pizza Oven
Forno Brovo Pizza Oven

The ideal outdoor kitchen includes- pizza oven, grill, plenty of work space, sink, and mini refrigerator. Perfect for outdoor entertaining.

Unique Landscapes is proud to be a local dealer/installer for Forno Bravo.

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