Genesis Pool Designer

As a consumer, you might struggle to understand some of the technical jargon and concepts that are an important part of the products that you purchase. And as the size and value of these items increases, it seems that so does the intricacy. As a responsible consumer, we all seek out resources to increase our knowledge in the hopes of gaining the ability and insight to make a well informed selection. But that is not always an easy task. In many industries the only “experts” are affiliated with a certain manufacturer or product line, which will obviously skew their information. What results is a plethora of opinion on industry best products and practices but no honest third part facts. Fortunately, the Genesis program has eliminated this issue in the pool and spa industry.

Modern technology has taken a vessel that was designed to simply hold water and turned it into a complex symbiosis of intricate systems that do everything from balancing the composition of chemicals in the water to providing music, lights, water features and environmental controls. Understanding these systems as well as the hydraulics involved in the plumbing and the keys to structural integrity are well beyond what any homeowner could or should know about designing and building a swimming pool. Consumers are simply looking for a responsible contractor to build them a safe and functional pool and spa.
Until 1998, consumers only option was to select a pool builder based on anything but their knowledge and accreditation. There was just no educational program or foundation who provided such information and services to industry professionals or consumers. Genesis, founded by Skip Phillips, David Tisherman and Brian Van Bower, set out to fill this void by creating the standard for education and certification through the Society of Watershape Designers and Platinum Certification.

Operating in over half a dozen countries, there are courses in construction, design and artistic flair. In essence, students are trained in all aspects of pool and spa design and construction as well as ways to improve function and enhancing the user’s experience. One example of a skill that students master is to design for function as well as comfort. No one wants to recline in their spa only to find that there is a hard piece of stone coping digging into their already aching back. Customers want to sink into the warm therapeutic water of their spa and feel as comfortable as they do when relaxing on their sofa. But until this course plan was created, consumers were forced to accept protruding objects as part of the cost of using a spa.

Designing a pool and spa is as much about the things that you don’t see as it is about the ones you do see. Jets, skimmers and intake lines are all necessary “evils”. But the fact of the matter is that they don’t need to be seen or stepped over. Thoughtful designers can and do take that extra time to design a user friendly pool and spa which can be enjoyed safely without fixtures protruding in seats, steps or the floor. And this can all be achieved without being forced to purchase a certain manufacturers product line. To read more about the benefits of the Genesis Program from a professional who has completed the training, visit You can also visit to learn more about the training that is setting the bar in the pool and spa industry in the United States, Canada, Bali and Europe.

Finding a contractor that you can trust is critical to the success of any project. But when the project is as complex and technical as the design and construction of a pool and spa, it’s hard to know who to put your trust in. Years in the industry, number of pools built and testimonials really don’t hold enough value to get me to write a 5 figure check. But a quick click on can give you a great deal of confidence in your selection. Here you can quickly verify that Chris Griffin is a certified and registered Genesis pool designer. His educational credits include:

  • Advanced Fluid Engineering
  • Elements of Design
  • The Language of Organic Architecture
  • Basic Perspective Drawing
  • Color Theory and Its Application
  • Basic Pool Construction
  • Chris also holds a degree in Civil Engineering from New Mexico
  • In addition, Chris is the Arizona Registrar qualifying party for Unique Companies, which means that he personally took the exams and holds the classifications required to operate a pool company in Arizona. Many companies will have a qualifying party who is not working in the day to day operations of the company and does not ensure compliance with all AZ ROC regulations.

Enjoying success for over 25 years in the pool and landscape industries is a source of pride for Chris. But he is also very proud of the fact that those two plus decades have been spent in a very hands on approach. He has personally performed every service that is offered by his company. This real world experience provides him with a unique insight into what it takes to do each job correctly and to the highest quality standards. The result is a company which is managed to achieve results while still providing customers with the quality and craftsmanship they deserve. Only a superb final product and customer satisfaction will uphold a reputation and stand the test of time.

Everyone feels a certain level apprehension when making an important decision. And selecting the person who will oversee a major construction project at your home and in close proximity to your family is not a decision to make without completing your due diligence. Thanks to the Genesis Associates that task is very simple. Ranked as one of the top 3 pool and landscape companies in Arizona by AZ Business Magazine, Chris Griffin and his associates at Unique Companies will meet and exceed all of your expectation for professionalism, quality and attention to detail.



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